Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Video - Mason Crawling!

My son just started crawling over the weekend - so for me this is a pretty exciting (but scary!) video to share!


  1. Ah yes, I remember those days! Pre-Pre-School Modules: 1. Crawl 2. Walk 3. Get into everything. Have you padded all your furniture for the inevitable bumps by your new explorer?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. *YAY*!! how exciting....time sure flies huh?! glad you got it on video!

  4. Yes, time truly flies! And no padding yet - hopefully we can try to prevent major bumps! We have done some child proofing though...ready or not!!!

  5. Oh my gosh, this is soooo cute. You're right to be a little scared, too, but what can you do other than put up some bumpers, raise the chemicals and breakables to higher shelves, and have at it? Is he already scooting everywhere? The speed they can attain is truly amazing.
